
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Chapter 3 - First Dates and Clean Slates

Chapter 3: First Dates and Clean Slates

"Cookin' Cookin' Cookin' my little pancakes. For my perfect wife. Lalala, they smell so delicious and...oh my god where's my knife."
Zeus, you're not meant to sing to the reader y'know, we'd like them to not be scared off by your lame rhymes.
"Lala, ignoring the creator, tralala."
Tuh, speaking of your wife, where is she?

"I just had a shower and it was immense."
Oh good for you Fury, I'm very hap-OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!?
That! -points at lifetime wish- Why did I not notice before! Evil Fury.
"Oh..that, heh heh."
Yes that. That lifetime wish to grow five babies to teenagers. Oh and you're the one whose got to take care of them Fury. -smug face-

After I'd chilled a bit from heart failure at seeing Fury's wish -mumblegrumble- I let them do whatever they wanted for a bit.
"My adoring wife, how I love thee."
And I must admit these two are pretty cute together, if not a bit sickly.
See, even responding in unison. It must be!

"Why do I have to clean the toilet?"
You threw up your pancake overload in it.
"Yeh but, I have a husband for this."
But sadly Fury your husband thinks the exact opposite.

After Fury had finished up with her lovely little chores.
I decided to send them on their first date, haha. And look who I came across as they were travelling.
"Hi fool."
Nice SimCrazy, do you live here? I swear you never leave.
"Ruby glued me to the seat."
Ahhh, I see...nevermind!

Romantic back drop. Wind blowing through trees. Ladybirds fluttering across the ground. A couple making out.
Ahhh sweet make out point.
"Go away, we're in the middle of something."
"I agree with Zeus."

Sadly I cut their date short in order to make them skill. Since they are pretty unworthy of jobs at the moment.
"Oi! I'll have you know I am an amazing cook!"
Fury you have no cooking points, or any skills for that matter. Now crack on! -snaps whip-
"Ohh whip? Can I borrow that creator?"
No, you cannot!

I spy with my little eye.
"Peeping tom."
Hey! You're the one passing by the house, I wanted to see who it was. Watching sims skill isn't all that fascinating.
"Yup, I'm still going to stick with the peeping tom theory."

Since Fury finished her skill point first, I released her into the neighbourhood.
"Released makes me sound like your pet."
Yah ano, now carry on sheepie!
"I don't find that amusing."
Well neither do I, since I can now see where your heading and I don't like it one bit.
"Tough booties."

"No, the waffles will not rule the world Ruby!"
"I have to disagree with you Fury, y'see I have a trusted sourc-"
"Oh yeh? Who?"
"Now that would just be revealing a master's secrets."
"Whatever Ruby, Muffins will rule the world."
"Don't you whatever me missy!"
Popcorn anyone?

Kissed and made up now girls?
"What? I'm a sims 3 simself, I don't have memories to recall anything anymore."
"Don't stop boogieing Ruby, we're getting this rhythm owned!"
Please someone save me.

Eventually Fury left. Thank the lord. And visited one last house before I sent her packin' back home.
Erm, Fury you seem to be between two very irritated looking simselves. That's never a good thing.
"Well, it's not my fault dolphinz and firestar were talking and I rudely butt in!"
Technically it is...
"Oh buzz off!"
Yes ma'am.

Apparently watching TV outside is the new 'in' thing nowadays.
"This show is lame."
"Firestar change the channel."
"There is no remote!"
"Oh my god, what?"
"Panic panic! Alert alert, there is no remote!"
...Fury time to leave now. This cluelessness could be infectious.
"I hid the remote."
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.

Gross. Yet highly amusing. It looks like a solar beam is coming out your mouth.

There you are Zeus! Finished skilling now?
"You made me skill all day."
Oh well, least you've finished.
"You're making me clean my wife's sick. I do not do household chores except in the bedroom."
Blerghh...Fury is so lucky to have you.

Awww. Now y'see this is sweet because as soon as Fury got the 'aching back' (or whatever) moodlet, Zeus offered to massage her.
"Pooky, are your shoulders okay?"
"Why yes snookums, they are now, they were a bit sore."
Snookums? Pooky? Snookums? Po-po-POOKY? Gross.

The next day, another date was in order, so off Fury and Zeus went to the pool. Erm, Fury should you be doing that in your condition?
Okay, nevermind. Just ignore me then.

"Tehehe, splash Fury!"
"Arghhh, Zeus you got water in my eye!"
Zeus you dweeb.

After their date, I realised Zeus had an opportunity for logic (yes, I've been making him skill in logic, maybe it'll improve his brain cells) in the bookstore or something. So off he went. Fury got bored. She went meandering.
"Oh hai Miracle!"
"Hi Fury."
"No hard feelings about me being Zeus' wife?"
"Pah, no. Just think, after a while his genetics features might disappear. So I'll be after a good looking son. Winkwink."
Yeh, like those features will be outta there by then. Pfftttt. Wishful thinking Fury, wishful thinking.
Silver was not amused by this display.

Zeus, I think I love you.
"I know, I know. I'm the Zeus baby."
Your wife is standing over there, now shut up.
But anyway, Zeus just earned 1000quids! For winning the competition and since the family had about 100quids at the time, I'm well chuffed for them.
"I am the best."
You can be quiet now.

"And so I think I'll use this type of milk once the baby is born."
"I agree with that totally!"
SimCrazy I've been watching you via a very informative mod. You don't even have a partner. Where on earth are you getting this information?
"Classified sorry."
Like I want to know about your milk anyway.
"I do!"
Oh hush Fury.

Evergeen. So we meet.
You've been around here a while, and I swear this is your first time out your house.
"I don't really care."
Anti social whatnot.
"No, I'm just ninja so you can't see me."

The couple strolled home after their almighty game of Foosball.
"Can we name the child Fluffy?"
"No honey, it's a child not a cat."
"Rover then."
-head desk- Go to bed, it's midnight!

HAX! What is this I see before me!
"Me and Haiden are friends."
Aww, I wanted a bit of neighbourhood gossip.

"They said what!"
"Mmm Fury."
"Computers can fly and talk!"
"Mmm Zeus."

"And and and did you also hear she fell over in her own bathroom?"
*cue sniggering*
"And her cat scratched her!"
..OI! Now this is not allowed! Chatting about your own creator is a nono! And my Fury, you're looking a bit chubby aren't you.

"Your impregnated with what?!"
"That monst-delightful charming chappy over there?"
"Yes. He's my husband."
"Ohh! Well good luck!"

"Y'know, I'm just not so sure about this logic stuff. And why should I move my king?"
"Oh, just trust me Fury. Don't you trust your own husband?"
"But, if I move my king can't be been seen by everyone?"
"Oh okay then."

Hey! Hey! Hey! What's going on here!
"When I look in your eyes I see myself. And my hair looks pretty darn hot."
"When I look in your eyes I see pupils."
"Oi, go away!"
Oh okay, fine. -runs off giggling-

"Blahhh too! My tongue's longer!"
"But Sabsy I can reach my nose!"
I don't think those should be left on there...
"Fury I can reach my chin!"

Sabsy and Fury both left the food on the grill. Good work.
Get off the poor butterfly.
"But it's so pretttyyy."
Put it do-OH! It's worth 233quids, geddit geddit!
"Money muncher."
Shush it Mrs I got married to an ugly dude in less than 2 days.

Finally later that night.
Earplugs anyone?
"Oh my god, what do I do, what do I do?"
"Don't just stand there Zeus! HELP ME, I'M DYING."
Over-reaction mu-
Good lord, Zeus take her to the hospital!
"We don't have a car."

Let's all give a nice welcome to Apollo Ugworth. -round of applause- Erm, what's wrong with your face Fury. Do you sense his genetic features already? Are they nice?

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