
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Chapter 5 - Simselves be thy name. Crashing parties is thy game.

"Tralala, ignoring mean creator, pfft."
You're wearing pink My little girly founder
"You're patronising me, that is not nice. I am leaving!"
Oh fine, I take it back.
"Good, now give me a miliion quids."
Yehh sorry that motherlode cheat just doesn't work anymore..ahem..cough.

"Om nom nom nom."
Enjoying that Apollo?
"Mwy burfdway today?"
Indeed, you will spontaneously combust and painfully grow up.
-chuckles evilly-

I decided that because Zeus hadn't had anything to do with any of his children, except help make them. I th-
"Yeh baby!"
I thought I'd make him teach Apollo to talk.
"And this is how you say hot simselves. H-O-"
I feel that this was a bad idea.
"Fragging flippin' stupid TV."
I feel your pain Fury.

"Why aren't you a girl?"
Fury! You shouldn't say that to your second son!
"But I wanted a girl!"
*cue stomping of simself feet*
I'd feel sorry for Hades except he's evil, so I sense someday he will get his own back.

While Zeus was at work, Fury decided to plan a party. Big surprise.
"And bring her her her and her! Oh but nooo, not her. Pah!"
Nice Fury. And what on earth is that between your legs?
"Something you downloaded that looks weird."
..oh yeh blame the downloader. Tuhh.

"Anddd a 1 2 3,
Zeus and Fury sitting in a tre-"
Fury don't teach that to your infant! Sheesh!
-face palm-

Well done Zeus, you got promoted again! A very much needed promotion for...erm...some reason.
Erm, what?
"Simselves just walked by."
I despair.

"Hmm, I sense that this is a stove."
"Yah rly! And that pancakes have been cooked on it recently."
And why do you think that?
"It's boiling hot and burning my hand and I cooked pancakes earlier."

And finally the birthday party began! The double birthday party ;] I thought it would be funny for it to be a swimsuit party. But no. Some simselves decided to ignore me!
"Look into my eyeeeesss Apollo."
Sarah your scaring the child, and why have your eyes gone funny like dolphinz did?
"Sim food?"

Poor Hades. No one focused on his little cake.
Ruby was raiding the fridge.
"Oi get out of there Ruby!"
And every other simself was either teasing another or watching TV.
"Get out of my shower!"

Welcome little Hades to the world of communication!

Funnily enough, every single simself raced to the cake after Hades had grown up. No cheers, just cake.
"Hey Firestar that's my slice!"
"Nuhuh I dibbed it earlier."
"This isn't fair."
"I want a bigger slice..."

"Maybe, if I do it quietly. No one would notice this child disappearing. Muhahaha."
Ruby! Get that thought of your mind!
"Drat, foiled again."

"Ruby weird."
She was married to the Grim Reaper once and apparently he's hit the bucket.
...why am I telling this to a small child?
"Me nwo no."

Oh yeh cheer on the child which is getting closer to your age. Lousy simselves!
"They want my child don't they. They're going to take him away from me."
No they're not Fury, you'll keep an eye on them in the same household.
"Yack. That's disturbing."

"Creator? Why have you taken a picture of the back of my head?"
No reason. I'm keeping it from the audience.
"Wicked cruel."
I know right.
"Mmm I fancy a bit of green on toast."
"I swear I didn't say that out loud."
You don't need to. ;]

"Mwomma. Please don't leave me!"
"There there Hades. It's okay."
"The swimselves will get me!"
"No they won't, don't be silly."

"You will pay mortal being."

Pfft, seriously. Where is Zeus' nose? I don't see it anywhere!

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